Sunday, February 12, 2017

Give Up? Maybe Not!

Life, sometimes, may seem to be in a slow lane, Everything might be cruising-by you in ignorant ways… But only if you remain defiant in these fading days, Will you see that Time never likes remaining the same…
Days, sometimes, might be getting you a bit Itchy, Happy moments might seem to have gotten lot costly… But only if you hold onto your perseverance and honesty, Will you see that patience pays back in plenty…
Roads, sometimes, may be leaving you with hurtful injury , Wish you might that Time ticks sped-up to end the day in a hurry… But only if you hang-on in one of your lands and get all dreamy, Will you see that there’s pride even in this misery...
Light, sometimes, may seem to be blurring, Water in the wells may be all drying… But only if you lose not your sight, Shall you realize that your thirst is what makes you up the fight…
Race, sometimes, might be the one making you drag, Comparison with The Haves will only make you brood in your rags…. But only if you ditch Easy from your vocabulary, Like beaten hot Iron will you walk far past frailty…
Dude! Dump carrying around that demeaning Sorry State… “Why me?” must be erased if that’s what it takes, It’s never ever too late to start off with a clean slate… Forget not, Cutting and polishing is what makes even Diamonds pump-up its stakes!

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