Saturday, October 18, 2014

Turning Times…

My hands are weedy,
And My head is heavy…
My legs are shaky,
And My senses dizzy…

My memory betray,
And My words unruly,
My sight is blurry…
And my heart is shivery…

My voice is noisy,
And My dining etiquettes messy…
My pace is crawly,
And my patience is angry…

Being pulled down by Gravity,
My strength is teary…
World is moving speedily,
And I am getting very nervy…

I need you now the way you did then…

The Toddler you with hands so tiny,
With Head heavier than your own body…
With trembling legs you stood all wobbly,
And had senses that were extremely cranky…

Your memory was flabby,
And your language dreamy…
You had grape like eyes but not very canny,
And Strong heart but at times mousy…

With Angelic voice but restless nights made them screechy,
And eating was for all expect your tummy…
The trekker in you was lazy,
And your temperament jumpy…

Mocked by Gravity,
Your Strengths felt pushy…
World went by you in a jiffy,
And you always got edgy…

You needed me then like I need you now…

You needed me then,
But never could ask…
Turning Times and I need you now,
But, can only hope…

Small tribute to all aging Parents and their growing up children and to turning times...

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