Sunday, November 6, 2011


A Child with His Dada had fought,

Won’t it be cool to have a World of My own, He thought…

He cried and got grumpy until He got what He sought,

But Dada made it clear that certain rules He ought to forget not…

A hurried nod without hearing them at all, He grabbed His toy, a sweet shiny place,

With an ever burning star it was a small twinkling lit up village…

Dada had given His Child a playground none could have ever imagined,

A sand house to do-undo castles, which was enchanted to mirror feelings that He emoted…

Open for play, the Child with His friends churned in some random spices,

Out from the cooking pan came a blue ball gifted of housing zillion lives…

Reflection of His excitement was a galaxy, to envelop the ball, which was all milky,

For a while they played in Ball’s watery beds but endless blue oblivion soon got them all hazy…

So they decided to play the game which would soon be named Evolution,

A drop of microbe and it was enough to trigger a chain of reactions…

From single cell to multi; from microscopic to a giant mass,

Life as if exploded into an unimaginable survival dance covering all Earth’s grass…

Ginormous Dinos shook grounds with intensity no less than earthquakes,

Predators and Herbivores, reptiles and mammals, countless numbers of species surfaced…

Some walked the lands while some capitalized the waters,

Some remained omnipresent in Earth's atmosphere while others stood their ground and grew only upwards…

Years passed and evolution seemed to have as if stopped,

With nothing exciting to do, the “playground” got a lot boring to watch…

And then came a naughty plan, why not open up the ground and why not topple a huge rock,

Volcanoes erupted across grasslands and an asteroid tearing the sky came down vandalizing all but the small…

A cloud of burning exhaust covered Earth clogging huge ones that had managed to survive,

Mixed with a brief period of cold whiteness and the future was all set to revive…

A slow but steady process of beings evolving began all over again,

With different favorites of the game, the Child’s interest in His toy regained…

The Mammoths of yesterday were no where to be seen,

The Masters of the green lands were morphed as relatively smaller beings…

Chimps got intelligent and upright stood our ancestors,

From then on it was a new ball game as the strongest genome was ours…

Evolution went inwards as it was the brainiest that kept redefining our boundary,

While Science and Math expanded our future, economics quantified our proclivity…

In spite of million years on Man History inked in blood and sweat, triumph and failure,

Evolution once again entered into a statutory phase which every day got more gloomier…

But something was silently rewriting the parameter of Darwin’s theory,

It was Money with man and not his genome that was slowly turning evolutionary…

The Law now read as, One with the most was most likely to survive,

One with the least was most unlikely to revive…

The mammoths of the land were now those with huge cash flows,

Well equipped to outlive topple of rocks or probably even vomits of floors….

The Child made Evolution which in turn made us and now Money rides it ahead,

Now all I hope is the toy owner is a Child no more………

And all I hope now is His best creation tries to skew evolutionary parameters away from Money before He gets too bored……………………


Late after work Raj left office heading home,
With no special-one occupying his time space, he rushed straight to his Rome…

It was past ten in the night, yet the streets were bustling and very alive,
Dodging cars crossing road-sections he very well managed to survive…

Savior of humanity, for no reason, of him he believed,
Would make a difference while he lived, is what he dreamed…

Sometimes though he did see things differently,
But when it mattered most, he acted no less than cowardly…

It being almost dinner time, Raj, the imaginary Hero, felt hungry,
A popcorn packet heard his SOS before he could board his ferry…

The train compartment he got in was unusually hollered,
The word “Convenience” was soon to get his Life all harrowed…

Travelling in an overcrowded Mumbai Local late after work,
Raj encountered a few men, all well dressed but yet very naked…

When less fortunate men tried stealing some bucks,
Travelers lost their serenity and shoved on them rain of endless punches…

Raj, who loved to dream of him as a savior of the world,
Stood aloof munching popcorn, petrified of the outnumbered crazed crowd…

That’s when he was forced to ask himself, how different are we when we steal Tax?
How different are we when we download pirated mp3 racks?

Who are we when we lie to get are wishes?
Who are we when we back-bitch dirtying our own Karmic-linens?

Who are we when we copy in exams just to bag few extra scores?
Who are we when we when behave badly with our loved ones smashing all respect doors?

Forget the world, who is Raj, a Hero or a mere Jerk?
Like him aren’t we all too just judgmental, imperfect and error full rucksack…

Thank Lord; we do have a few good men amidst lost souls in this lost space,
A few good men stood up to stop the mayhem, fearing least of being crushed…

A few good men chose not to ignore and did what was not “convenient”,
Raj, like many of us, was lost painting false pictures and doing what is convenient but not necessarily right…

So shouldn’t we ask ourselves that why is it, when it’s convenient for us, we tarnish people’s images?
When it’s convenient for us, we point fingers at others…

When it’s convenient, like Raj we dream of being heroes,
When it’s convenient, like Raj we distance ourselves calling it “not our wars”…

When it’s convenient, we fight till we pass,
And when it’s convenient, we fail not in passing lewd actions and remarks…

Like silly birds we fly assuming it’s an endless life,
Easily forgetting that there is just one place we can call our true domicile…

When Death wakes us from our awake-slumber,
And our true Father asks us tough questions, would it still be Convenient, need we wonder………

A day in college without my love…

Early morning I got up with anticipation to meet you,

Got ready and dressed up with fanaticism to see you.

Soon I realized, it is the semester when I won't be meeting you,

Petrified, as I knew, a long lonely day it would be without you.

Lecture started but all I could hear is “I miss you”,

Every minute felt as if, locked I was, away from you.

No words of knowledge I could grasp and gulp,

No emotion I could digest, except, I was devoid of you.

With no hope to meet you in the break, I prayed for a call from you,

However, today was amongst those unlucky days when I received none from you.

Only memories I was left with, memories of us having food together,

Memories so jovial that the break got over but implacable remained my wait.

Wait it was not less than agonizing pain,

Wait I hoped I never have to feel again.

Albeit I knew, my wait today is mere hope to hear if not meet you,

Waited I did, but wait, waited you too…

How selfish I was, I realized all of a sudden,

Feeling I felt, so must have you.

This thought made me end my day with self-content,

It made me realize the value of a mere moment with you.

Next morning I got up with novel anticipation to meet you,

Got ready and dressed up with novel fanaticism to see you…

--- By a Lover Boy in College :P